A Superb Book On Anchoring For Bareboaters!

First, you’ve just got to love the title.
Second, this is the most comprehensive book on anchoring we’ve ever seen, and it should be a must-read for anyone who plans to bareboat charter.
The prestigious Cruising Club of America says, “It should be mandatory reading for novice sailors and charter operators would do well to place copies throughout their fleet.”
Written by Capts. Alex and Daria Blackwell, a pair of lifelong sailors who have spent years cruising the coasts of North America and Europe aboard their Bowman 57 ketch, the book covers everything from selecting an anchor to the details of rodes, chafe and triplines.
There are sections on rafting up, handling moorings, and much more. Available as a Kindle or paperback edition from Amazon (click HERE), it has 357 pages and there is something you should know on every one of them.
The Blackwells also have a website that is just as full of useful information on everything from great anchorages to the best sailing music. Check it out at: www.CoastalBoating.net.